Upcoming Training

The following training courses are available in 2014:

For more information on all the training please click on the highlighted links below.

The courses available are:

People: Personality and Pathology : A course introducing key concepts and approaches to working with people diagnosable with Personality Disorder (PD) or complex trauma.

A skills training day facilitated by professionals in the field of Personality Disorder in collaboration with ex-service users (STARS): Do you find the work challenging, and wonder if you have the skills needed to work effectively?Would you like to know what it is like to have been given the diagnosis, and to live with the disorder?If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then you will benefit from this one day training course.

Self Harm – A Challenging Coping Mechanism: Do you find this behaviour difficult to understand? Do you struggle to know how to respond effectively? Would you like to hear from people who have self-harmed and can give their perspective?

Why not attend a training day facilitated by professionals in collaboration with ex-service users (STARS).

KUF: Do you work with clients who have complex emotional needs or Personality Disorders?  Do you find this work challenging but don’t understand why?

Take a look at this free training, funded by the Department of Health, and offered locally in the South Central Region by experienced local staff, and ex-service users (STARS) of the Thames Valley Initiative Team.

Please note these are past events